·2008年 被中国花卉协会评为“2008年改革开放三十年中国杰出花木企业”
·2011年 绿友集团获北京市总工会颁发的“首都劳动奖状”
·2011年 绿友集团总部党支部被中共顺义区委评为“优秀基层党组织”
·2011年 李敏当选工商联顺义区常委、中共顺义区第四届党代会代表
·2011年 李敏总裁被中国花卉协会、中国绿色时报社评为“2011年度花木企业年度人物”
·2012年 绿友集团参加了中国林业机械协会行业企业信用评价,获得AAA信用等级
·2012年 绿友集团获得顺义区人力资源和社会保障局授予的“诚信企业”称号
·2012年 绿友集团获得北京市工商业联合会、北京市人力资源和社会保障局、北京市总工会授予的“先进民营企业”称号
·2013年 绿友集团被北京市国税局、地税局授予“北京市纳税A级企业”
·2013年 绿友集团被中国中小商业企业协会及中国中小企业家年会组委会授予“2013中国科技创新型中小企业100强”
·2013年 李敏总裁被授予第四届北京市“优秀中国特色社会主义事业建设者”荣誉称号
·2014年 绿友集团通过了安全生产标准化体系考核,北京市安全生产协会颁发了“安全生产标准化二级企业”证书
·2014年 绿友集团成为北京市“2014年首批诚信长城杯创建企业”
·2014年 被北京市科委再次认定为“北京市科技研究开发机构”
·2008, “GREENMAN” trademark was certified by Beijing Municipal Administration of Industry and Commerce as “Beijing Municipal Famous Brand”
·2008, “Year 2008, 30th Anniversary of Open Door and Reform, Outstanding Lawn and Garden Enterprise”,an award established by China Orchards and Horticulture Association was presented to Greenman Group.
·2011, Greenman Group was awarded by Beijing Municipal Trade Union as “Capital City Labor Merit Board”
·2011, Party General Branch at Greenman Group Corporate HQ was recommended by CPC Shunyi District Committee as “Excellent Grassroots Cell of Party Organization”
·2011, Mr. Li Min elected as standing member to the Shunyi Branch of All China Federation of Industry and Commerce, and Conference Delegate to the Shunyi District 4th Conference of CPC.
·2011, President Li Min was recommended jointly by China Orchards and Horticulture Association and China Green Times as “2011 Annual Who’s Who of Orchards and Horticulture Enterprises”
·2012, Greenman Group was enrolled with Enterprise Credibility Evaluation conducted by China Forestry Machinery Association, and was awarded AAA credit line.
·2012, Greenman Group was awarded the title of “Honest and Trustworthy Enterprise” by Human Resource and Social Security Bureau of Shunyi District, Beijing, China.
·2012, Greenman Group was granted the title of “Vanguard Model Citizen Enterprise” jointly by Beijing Federation of Industry and Commerce, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Human Resource and Social Security, and Beijing Municipal Trade Union.
·2013, Greenman Group was granted by Beijing State Tax Administration, and Beijing Local Tax Administration as “A level Tax Paying Enterprise of Beijing”·Year 2013, Greenman Machinery Company was awarded the “Year
2013 Top 100 China Innovative Small and Medium Enterprise in Science and Technology” jointly by the China Association of Small & Medium Commercial Enterprise and Commission of Annual Conference of China Small & Medium Entrepreneurs, ·Year
2013, president Li Min was awarded an honorary title of The 4th Session of “An Excellent Builder for the Socialist Cause with Chinese Characteristics”
·2014, Greenman has passed the evaluation of Safety Production Standardization System. Beijing Work Safety Association awarded a certificate of second-class enterprise of safety production standardization.
· 2014, Greenman becomes first good faith great wall cup created enterprise of 2014.
· 2014, Greenman was recognized as Beijing Science and Technology research institue by Municipal Commission of Science and Technology.