• 园林(园林设备/园林灌溉/园林植保/园林资材/园艺工具)
• 林业(应急救援/森林消防/林业病虫害防治)
• 草业(高尔夫球场及运动场草坪设备/草坪灌溉/草坪植保)
• 生物质(木质粉碎设备/木质覆盖物设备/生物质设备)
• 电动车辆(非公路用载人车辆/货运车辆/特殊用途专用车辆)
绿友企业文化:崇德诚信 进取创新 团结协作
绿友服务理念:有绿友为友 无后顾之忧

Greenman Machinery (Group Holding) Company is a shareholder run enterprise and integral provider of R&D, Manufacture, and Sales. Under Greenman, there are two manufacture facilities and over one hundred sales outlets across China. Greenman is headquartered in No.8 Baiying Road, Shunyi District of Beijing, China.
Greenman Group holds fast to corporate culture of “Integrity and Commitment, Strive with Innovation and Ingenuity, Progress in Spirit of Unity”, adheres to service motto of “Be friends with Greenman, Be free of worries”. Greenman is a strong promoter of “Service Generates Value”.
Nearly two decades of construction of complete sales and service coverage and excellent footprint of growth enables Greenman Group to achieve long term strategic cooperation with world top 500 enterprises such as Deere & Company of USA and other leading manufacturers, which leads to continued introduction of world advance lawn and garden products, landscaping and turf care equipment into China.
Meanwhile, Greenman Group dedicates and allocates resources into independent intellectual property R&D on lawn and garden products and landscaping and turfcare equipment. Greenman Group R&D Center is an Enterprise owned Technology Center certified by Beijing Municipal Authorities. Trade Mark “GREENMAN” wins award of Beijing City Famous Brand Name.
The broad range of Greenman carried products include lawn and garden power products, landscaping and turfcare equipment, turf irrigation systems and equipment, garden tools and allied supplies, off-highway electrical vehicles, forest firefighting equipment, large size chippers, tree transplanting machinery, and etc.